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How I Make a FORTUNE using FREE Ezine Advertising and YOU CAN TOO!!
Internet Marketing Expert and author Rick Beneteau's latest eBook entitled " The Ezine Marketing Machine " has received high praise from many of his top "competitors" in the Internet Marketing field and from the Ezine Publishing cyber-world. Click Here to discover how you can quickly and inexpensively apply Rick's Ultimate Marketing Method.

"This book told me exactly what I needed to know without any extra fluff. It's completely changed how I market on the web!"
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Online advertising can be a cheap, affordable way of getting the word out about your business. Advertising is crucial - after all, the more people that know about your business, the more sales you make!

Search engines, directories, classified ads, ezines, banners, link exchanges, email ... they're all methods of promoting your website and your products. You've probably tried most of these, if not all. But which ones are effective and which are probably a waste of your time?

Click here for a discussion of the most popular website promotion techniques.

Some of the best website promotion sites are listed below. If there's one you think we're missing, please feel free to email us.

Website Promotion Tools
SelfPromotion This is truly a great website - and a weird one. There's an amazing array of promotion sites, broken up into various groups such as search engines, major indexes, general indexes, and so on. AND - here's the weird part - you only pay if you think the service is worth something! And trust me, it is (yes, I have voluntarily supported the site, as have many others).
TopEzineAds.com Ezine advertising is one the most effective (and most overlooked) methods of advertising. Your profits will explode by placing top ads and solo ads in newsletters catering to your target market. Guaranteed!
Virtual Promote As I'm sure you can guess from the name, Virtual Promote is dedicated to increasing traffic to your web site. They offer plenty of promotion tips and links, as well as free tools and scripts.
WebPosition Gold Invaluable tool to save you time and to help build traffic to your web site. WebPosition Gold reports your site's search positions and then helps you improve them. You need to be near the top of the search to get results (how many times have you searched for certain keywords and received tens of thousands of results?). It walks you through the process, step-by-step, so that you can get better search engine rankings. It will also analyze your existing pages, give you suggestions on how to improve them, submit your pages automatically, and much more. Download a FREE trial - you'll love it.

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